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Chris designed and made...

EGG     EGGring Oval Chainrings

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hillOval EGGrings allow you to pedal more effectively, powering your legs in greater comfort. They offer advantages in the following situations:

But you don't get something for nothing - an oval chainring simply allows you to pedal more smoothly and to work harder when you demand more power.

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How Ovals work

As you turn your pedals, you encounter two dead-spots where you can achieve very little output. You will notice them when pedalling slowly up a hill - your cycle lurches forwards in spurts corresponding to each stab on the pedals, slowing down each time your feet pass the dead-spots.

Ovals reduce this effect by providing a lower gear to speed you through the dead-spots. You spend longer in the power-stroke, where your legs can push the hardest, which means you can pedal more powerfully too.



You push the hardest when your pedal is here. The Oval behaves like a larger round chainring, giving you a higher gear.

power stroke

power stroke


You can't push much here. The Oval behaves like a smaller chainring, providing a lower gear to help you round to the next power-stroke.



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dalesThe benfits of Ovals are most noticeable when you turn the pedals slowly, particularly when climbing hills or when pushing a large gear at a slow cadence. An Oval helps you pedal through the dead-spots, allowing you to keep going while you've still got some energy left. Ovals also transfer power to your back wheel more smoothly, reducing the stop/start effect which causes wheelspin on slippery surfaces and the bobbing effect which occurs on some suspension bikes.

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Oval technical notes

The following notes were written to help customers understand and choose Oval EGGrings...

How to choose Ovals
Technical information
History of Ovals


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Customer feedback

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Cornant, Cribyn, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA48 7QW, Wales, UK

©  Chris Bell